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Response.accessinfo.password ***** requires password error while On-boarding VNF via TCA S-VNFM


Error encountered while On-boarding VNF via Telco cloud automation (TCA) 2.1 with CBAM as partner system.


vCloud Director integrated with TCA.

CBAM integrated with TCA.

Catalog imported from CBAM automatically as soon as CBAM got integrated with TCA.

Have modify.json and instantiate. json files for the VNF.

Steps Performed -

  1. Go to catalog and select desired Network function.

  2. Select instantiate

3. Provide name of the VNF and Select VCD as cloud

4. Press Next

5. Provide modify. json and instantiate. json

6. Press Instantiate

And if it shows below error-

Failed with Response.accessinfo.password ***** requires password error


  1. Login to CBAM and check if VNF has been created. If not then check connectivity between TCA and CBAM via TCA GUI

  2. If VNF has been created with the name given in above step 3, then check error details.

Go to History after selecting the VNF; then go to error details for checking full error message

  1. Check if modify operation has started.

  2. Check Instantiate operation has started.

In this case if any of the operation modify or instantiate operation has failed and showing above mentioned error then have a look into your json files and check the vimconnectionInfo;


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